

Surya AirSupport, registered as a Private Limited Company with the Nepal Government Company Registry Office and Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal in 2006. We provide services for anything and everything related to aviation and defence. The prime aim of Surya AirSupport is to provide a full service ground support/co-ordination to schedule and Charter Airlines operating passenger and freight flights to Kathmandu. We also represent foreign aviation as well as any other type of related businesses in Nepal.


The objective of the company is to be a ‘fixed based operator’ (FBO) to all foreign airlines, aviation and defence companies operating in Nepal needing any assistance. Surya AirSupport coordinates and facilitates 100% of all UN Peacekeeping Charter Flights operating in Nepal on behalf of the Airlines for Nepal Army, Nepal Police and Armed Police Troops.


  1. Obtain landing, overflight, etc. permits, payment of CAAN charges i.e. landing, parking and navigation fees and for any other work required to be done by CAAN during the flight operation period. Liasoning with Nepal Airlines, the ground handling company for keeping the flights in their daily schedule; to make sure flight plan is received in time and passed.
  2. Proper coordination with the ground staff for unloading and loading of cargo and for ground equipment required during the flight; to ensure payments for handling is done in time.
  3. Coordination with Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) for uplift of fuel as required.
  4. Arrange passenger or freight charter flights.
  5. To reserve hotels for Crew at the best possible price and ensure that they are properly escorted through immigration and for any assistance required during their stay.
  6. Baggage checking and handling for all cargo/personal baggage so that it is within the allowed weight and to coordinate with concerned parties for DG (dangerous goods) if required.
  7. Ensure and promote the reputation of clients in Nepal.
  8. Various other related activities


International Aviation Companies We Represent

Jordan Aviation
Streit Group
Euro Atlantic Airways
Global Aerospace
Latitude Air
Dirgantara Indonesia
Aileron Air


Surya AirSupport has developed very close contacts in Government Agencies and Private sectors in Nepal particularly in Defense Force, Civil Aviation Authority, Nepal Airlines and other private Airlines.


263 Joggi Pakkya Marg, Kaldhara,

Kathmandu-16, Nepal.

+977 1 4249235, +977 9851069461